A day after Easter and I'm only just now in the mood to celebrate!
Make that a week's celebration for me! An inner travelling to parts within to re-pump, re-light, re- charge, re- align, re -new, relieve, re-order, re- fresh and remind myself that "God is in control"and that the part of me that nobody see's - that part which trembles and fears still as that seven year old in a dark hallway did, she needn't wobble in fright anymore. She's come thus far, in spite - supported, sheltered, cared for and held, sniff! So drama, ew, lols! :D
Make that a week's celebration for me! An inner travelling to parts within to re-pump, re-light, re- charge, re- align, re -new, relieve, re-order, re- fresh and remind myself that "God is in control"and that the part of me that nobody see's - that part which trembles and fears still as that seven year old in a dark hallway did, she needn't wobble in fright anymore. She's come thus far, in spite - supported, sheltered, cared for and held, sniff! So drama, ew, lols! :D
O I lurvs this picy of me below! It look as if I'm in a state of soporific elation. Fact is, I was having an *allergific* moment so evident by my more pronounced than ever darky rings which no amount of concealer could decently blot out. My head was in a tight band pressurized state, my eyes pulpy, and my facial feel was so icky'prickly I swear if touched, my hands would come off with spiny needles!
It was a Good Friday moment on my own with the hubby shooed off to the gym and the boys wherever they were at this time! So there I was, part of me missing my bestie' friendship who now resides overseas. It would have been one chatty silly phone call if she were around. Time zones are in play and life is different now, so nothing left to do but think about the past. Drama' hahaha!! Where I'm seated is nostalgic because we had a great chat here one evening a week before she left.

Ah' yes, times, they are a' changing so fast. I know there are even more changes in store - keeping positive about this even if I'm feeling a bit riled up.
And here's that book I was reading while having my "moment"...Almost done and I can't put it down. Anita Shreve books should really be turned to movies as I swear, they're all riveting! . This one here is about a young American husband and wife living in Africa. The wife speaks in the story - one can just feel the shakiness and bravery she puts upfront. Much like real life. Yes, so much like real life.