Can extract sunshine from a cloudy day!

Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your hearts, and you shall make your name,your college, the world, correspond to that vision. Your success and happiness lie within you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer wrappings. The great, enduring realities are love and service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty. ~ Helen Keller
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

(✿◠‿◠)The Sunflower Bench✿

Roselle Quin

“Sometimes since I've been in the garden I've looked up through the trees at the sky and I have had a strange feeling of being happy as if something was pushing and drawing in my chest and making me breathe fast. Magic is always pushing and drawing and making things out of nothing. Everything is made out of magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us. In this garden - in all the places.”~ The Secret Garden
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The afternoons are of no use - it rains. It rains - a - lot. No space for garden work during the monsoons when the 'noons are drenched in pettite' pours and shimmie' plops at precisely indeterminate timings. It's here, it's not - simply no telling when the skies will water except that it happens after lunch! --- No, this isn't my garden, heeha! :D
Roselle Quin at Sonya's Garden

These pics were taken last summer when friends and I went 'summering' in Sonya's Garden. A pretty garden to roam in still, but the presence of too much folks, compared to the first I strolled the place, was quite off putting. - Nevertheless, my sweet glams and I  savored the moment spent and had  the time of our lives taking turns photographing each other, haha!

What I adore in Sonya's garden, are the little twisty paths that tempts one to explore. As a profound lover of paths and inner dirt roads be it stone cobbled, pebbled or grassed, these twinee' diversions are lavish enticements to me. 
"Come, take a step, get lost in life and find another," it murmurs. Reality taps on my shoulder reminding, "there isn't time." 

Agh, there isn't time, always the time! I turn to a leaf and instruct it to be till time creates the occasion for another visit. I sit down for one last shot in the Sunflower Bench, a sublime throne of flower power. 

-- An ardor  of petal-ish' joy overpowers my senses.
What a pleasant attack, I feel! 
Nature assaults most  juicily. 

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It Only Takes One Star: Persistence

Roselle Quin ~ "Afternoon Tea at The Shang" 
September seems to be a month of recurring challenges. The first week alone saw a trip to the hospital with the hubby slumped in a bout of nasty flu. Sporadic allergic feelies' have descended on me after that episode - not surprising - the onset of the "Ber"months have always been a pesky trigger to my seasonal rhinitis. Agh' just talking about this makes my left eye spasm and twitch! Thank goodness I don't feel as weakish' - I remember years  ago how frighteningly soggy'I  went, half breathing, wheezing and teary  red eyed  from inhaling.  ------ I've been dawdling with a low'vibe energy these last few days; a trailing elk'from the nasties'. Good to know, 'cause at least I'm  much aware that this'ill - turn 'round pretty soon. Meanwhile, I'm doing my bit to carry me out of this stupor, First thing is to reminisce on happy occasions represented by these pictures here. Been awhile since I've done something this dainty cute' involving violins and mini conciertos'..I could, in fact, I probably should,   to get me'self tuned up. I will.

"It only takes one star to pierce a universe of darkness."
~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Roselle Quin ~" Afternoon Tea at The Shang"
Right now tho'there are  things I need to 'start'and follow up and put in order and launch. A myriad mix of the mundane and exciting. There's nobody to do the WANTS I want done , so I'm counting on me', the Holy Mother and St. Therese in petitions to the dear Lord. 

If I get on the move, I'm up for little victories, Victories, whatever scale deserve sweet cute celebratory whoohoos' and that's where the plans come in. Oh, I need my quirky rosie' imagination to get me going. It's all grey in me right now - but as they say, it only takes one star to pierce a universe of darkness.  And you know me....ever always all about the shine. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How To Make a Smashing Week

Roselle Quin photo:
"Tea by the Pool"
Write it on your heart
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays. 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Felicitations to a new week! 
My best brightest self welcome's Monday with a favorable juicy feel for the positive. Major compelling realizations have popped and  shape shifted in my mind. I am soaked in plans and dreams and decisions. The heavens will be my guide, my inspiration, my connection. Yes, no  mortal muse can entice me.  My plans are as a big and venturous as never before!
There is work to do, but make no mistake dear me, there is no room for drab or dreary. Labor will be intensive but suffused with relish and recreation. One must be in love with one's work. One must be in love with one's days - the minutes, hours and seconds not left to dawdle by itself - there is harm in that. 
How does one make a smashing week? 
Specially after having dealth with the naughtiness of  past weeks gone? Why,  by blessing the what-not's of  troubles a - visiting and thanking them all for lessons learned, stamina built and new hopes aroused. If it were not for the challenges of the past weeks, I wouldn't have had this vision for a future I desire to experience. I can almost feel it. I am almost there. 

Much to scribble, even more to scrawl and I am compelled to begin. This particular rumination, I bring to conclusion with the burning thought that I should write it upon my heart that each day is the best day of the year. 
Alive. Daring. Brave.