Can extract sunshine from a cloudy day!

Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your hearts, and you shall make your name,your college, the world, correspond to that vision. Your success and happiness lie within you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer wrappings. The great, enduring realities are love and service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty. ~ Helen Keller
L❀VE ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ •´¯`•.¸¸.♥Fiat Lux ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥L❀VE ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ •´¯`•.¸¸.♥Fiat Lux ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Manna Bakery and Cafe ~ My Quick Respite

You have no idea, but I was spun strangled in a web of self-made frenzy the past weekend. My bad!

The HUBBY came down with a bone chilling fever that whacked his aching tired body to - the - sole and plastered him poorly in bed. I was vamooshed! Why, goodness, the man rarely ever gets sick, except for the allergies which would sneeze him out every now and then. I'm used to that. He's used to that. The boys have that as well.

Ah, but, other than that, he has the fit and form and heart of an athlete, according to his doc a couple of years back during his yearly executive check- up.. He's mighty proud of this, um, - medically certified - compliment and wears it like a gold star pinned on the lapel of his right psyche.

Day 1 to day 3 was quite toxic with trips to the ER and tests and consultations and tests again ( gad!). It was surreal  for me to have this fitness buff who'd bug me day and out about my - regimen - (hah!), looking buggered down, wan and pithy pale.

"Hey, relax, even Superman gets sick, y' know", he cracked, in a bid to snuff off my funk,  as I stood looking half wit worried down on him at the emergency room bed, feeding him thin wafers of grainy "Skyflakes" biscuit.

The doc pronounced a most likely viral infection, but the danger of Dengue fever couldn't be ruled out ( omg moment!)!  Hence, the meds and daily trip back to hospital for pricks and whatnot' consultations, which vexed him somewhat on the 3rd day of this roundabout', and further to the point wherein he scathingly reviled the bloodsucking routine. 

 Five days later to last night, his platelet count rose to the required healthy level. Thank  gawd!! What a relief for frazzled me. He was able to return to the office today in more or less his usual self.

Yah, well we know something good always comes forth from unexpected gales. Sailing midway through my inner hysteria, I found myself drifted off to a quaint little true bright happiness cafe. I'd say t'was my grace and miracles angels of life taking pity on hapless me.

I entered this little piece of peace and strayed myself half in trance on a corner taking in the  luscious sight of warm brown buns, deftly coiled breads, unmistakable old-fashioned sugar butter cookies - the stuff of my youth - and wicker trays of creamy muffins dotted syrupy red or blueberry-ish blue, and some cheesy too! 

I was swept into a releasing Hallelujah moment and knew then with a ping of exaltation that everything would be OK. Why wouldn't it be, when fate had just ushered me into the sanctum of the sweet Church of Muffins!! 

I - is - sAvEd!! :D

This here's my corner
--> See my bag? Witness the moment I went snappy with my pink partner walking solemnly here and there pondering the merit between muffins. It's no joke to pick one over the other when your mind is suffering from a case of short circuit.

Ditched the idea of muffins, though my eyes were whirled glue on the possibility. Eventually, after sensing the bated breath of the server in front of me, I settled for an exotic sounding "Banhi sandwich". No clue what that was but it sure sounded kinda' hippy, and the chef lady wore a striking fancy uniform which somewhat gave an imposing whiff of credence to whatever she'd make it out to be

Oh, and it was so pretty! All carrots on top, with spikes of radish and greens and orange bits of grilled chicken, haha! It was quite a creative feast ! And yes, it tasted as refreshing and tasty as it looked. Coupled with my rose vanilla tea, it was a bit of  a vacation for my sense. I even had the indulgence to read a chapter while slowly savouring my treat. 

So things are fine and better, with the usual drafty flow of things to do; things that seem to hunt you down and snap at your heels whimpering fix me! fix me! fix me! And so I go for it, all these business that deals with life, knowing that when things get a bit spidery tangled in my thoughts, I have the good propensity of finding quirky snuggly muffin places to center and rebalance and sniff sniff sniff the cinnamon-y scents that make this soul of mine come alive. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"My Ayala Underground Walkway Fantasy!"

Meeeee' happily posing while hubby took the pic! 
And this is my hubby's back, haha! I luv' the long stretch of the walkway! 
Eeee, yebah (!!), I finally did it, haha! Had my photo taken in the Ayala underground walkway last Sunday. Been inkling to do so like - ever since, but, *shucks*  couldn't. 

This walkway is normally crrrr-a-w-ling on weekdays - business business, y' know. Saturdays too - just people people people! Security guards won't allow photo ops no matter how quickie' (for security reasons they said). 

I was kinda' surprised when once I tried to take a pic of the tunnel and was politely stopped. Another time, I was trying to take a ( really quick- won't bother anyone) snap of one of the cool ads framed on the side, and was once again, advised - not to. I dunno' what's with that, but I was in no' obscene mood to articulate my bafflement while being a dent on the flow of  serious folks walking zippy to where they need to be. Hah, o' but --> NOW, I have my much desired pic, hehehe!
Dunno' why I have a thing for this stretch, like walking old university walls where you feel the soul of you is part of the structure. Maybe, because I've walked this tunnel a zillion times for years and years and years and saw it actually constructed to be - from mud to hollow, to bricks and poles and humongous mixers and all insanity. I remember how inconvenient those days were when the diggings for the projects just started. I remember the warnings, the workers, the sludge sounds and traffic, and the trying to imagine how it's going to look when it finally unveils.  The thought of walking underground was quite a curious novelty way back. 
3 things I luv'' most about this are:
1. The fact that I've often exited on the wrong side of where I need to be.
2. You never know who you'll bump into.
3. Ascending on the "Triangle" side you're received by the street with the sight above - a stretch of green ascending that turns right to a decently expansive park made intriguing by its (airport) history and artfully hailed ancient trees - a bit of an oasis there. I think of it as swimming up from a dusky deep, resurfacing to freshness and light. In a harsh city, this is positive catharsis.

MY fantasy: :D

Think of the whole walk draped in the middle by the swooping drama of long red rolling carpet - end-to-end! In a corner a string quartet playing Vivaldi, or some lilting in the mood melody!

Think cocktail tables - thin round velvet covered stands where folks and friends dressed hippy' nice can settle drinks and chill, talk, laugh. Think little pretty fingerling food!! 

AND -->  but yes, of course, the highlight of it all are my photographs ( and some splotches of my inordinate spurts of art) my very very OWN, (haha!) hanging on the walls serving as deep, riveting conversation pop ups that propel lookers to pontificate on the soulful and political, hahaha!  

Ya, that would be cool! :D 

Snapping out now, hehe! Meanwhile, life calls me to zoom in on what needs to be fixed and done, hurried and musts, right now. so I beg leave of this little space and transport my physical me to my living. I had fun capturing these moments.  It'll be great going back here in this blog of mine, years from now and see the changes of th future compared to what's framed of today. . 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blue Scallop Beauts and Cheap Thrills!

When my eyes glanced this blue glazed scallop cupsy' - it was a case of the cutesome' must have! I did my internal jiggy dance, heh! :D 

It's been a real stretch of time since I've drifted by my fave thrift' find second had store  somewhere near where I live - though, well, I must state, some of the items aren't really what I'd call "thrift price" there was that old rattan divider I was eyeing, and when whispered how much, (ugh' ) gave an involuntary snort and sputtered a daintily chastising, "you've got to be kidding me"...Because truly, I can get something brand new and spock fine for the monies I was told, hilarious, tsk! 

Free rose cup underliner! :D
But it's the cheap thrill I'm after, so I linger at the plates and platters, and mugs and cup after cup after cup, lifting and inspecting, considering, comparing then ultimately, deciding. O' yah' I can spend hours, but this particular trip, I was with my son, so I knew my moments were disciplined.

cup and saucer don't match
How many sweet beloveds have I possessed this way, eh, hehe! Nothing compares to the heartbeat of spotting something sparkling, or interesting and knowing that there's no other pair out there quite like it. And of course, more often nothing matches - which is how I like it essentially. Because that's the point, really, to find a couple of mismatch throwaways and blend them together  to create something usably perfect.  

This blue beauty ( pic above) doesn't really pair with the saucer, separately bought, but well, they blend quite nicely. And the brown one below, accidentally fits with the free coaster, fabulous, haha!  :D
LUv' this mug' small..and yup' I got the complete set of 4 for each of us!
It's a brand new Monday as I write this sipping my coffee waiting for my pasta to warm up in the micro. I've got a whole week stretched out before me, and man, I've got to put in some sweet vibes because I'm well done dealing with gnats of irritation that wormed its way in the past couple ov' weeks. Sunday was most testy'  ind-e-e-d!

Ah, well, I'm all done with that --> period. Welcome brand new week, a toast to you with lots of tea and creativity. I plan to do an awful lot of writing and reading and creating. Time to pull out my gratitude attitude and celebrate  the finer points of living - such as finding free rose coasters and 4 pieces of cute brown mini-mugs to go with it, and flower scallop tea cups, and who knows what other lovely else.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Book Luvin' on a Weekend Morning!

Tired trying couple ov' weeks gone past with everything churning in a melange of never ending "to do". Life itself was a fairytale gone twisted with the ends of my mind mostly curled in dumb disapproval. I resembled somewhat the fox or - the wolf ( big and bad) - who huffed and puffed and blew the hut ( or house, or cottage) away. Only, dear me, I didn't manage to blow anything away - except rivulets of my patience and cubes of my mushed sanity. 

So enter my staycation relax solutions!

Bright spot of those days were stolen moments immersed in two glorious books; one gifted, the other a precious endearing BookSale ( that means thrift!)  find  I love, love, love it when my eyes and hands trip on a keeper of a book tucked away above, underneath or in between piles of pre-loved literary goodies!

My Secret Keeper book ( by Kate Morton) is that sort ov' find! Fabulous  portrait cover! And after  inspecting every corner, and after scanning what it was all about, I knew for sure I had a winner of a read in my hands -  a premium deluxe possession, a sparkling jade of a second hand book. Seriously, this must cost ten times more in our pricey bookshops.

Agatha Christie - Inspector Poirot  mysteries are a fancy to me  so you can just imagine how my eyes bulged rounded when I got to the part where a young lady witnessed an act of  the sublime -- tragic of tragics! Yaiks, I think that  spurt reads bad, haha!

No,  I'm not a sucker for tragedy, nor do I live wit a hidden fetish for misfortune, but when dire circumstances of a plot are weaved in passionate telling, my interest is delightedly piqued.

This is what it's all about straight from the pretty flap:

During a summer party at the family farm in the English countryside, sixteen year old Lauren Nicholson has escaped to her childhood tree house and is happily dreaming of the future. She spies a stranger coming up the long road to the farm and watches as her mother speaks to him. before the afternoon is over, Laurel will witness a shocking crime. A crime that challenges everything she knows about her family and especially her mother, Dorothy. Her vivacious, loving, nearly perfect mother. 

And if sixteen year old Laurel has her tree house,  I, on the other hand have my hideaway for quiet reading moments, undisturbed and basked in solitude, just the way I like it!

Tdaaa'...lady prism moments... :D