The Hubs |
It was a drizzly late afternoon and there was no one around save for us ( and the bartender). The quiet was peaceful, a pervasive hum that wiffs' of romance mixed with the ambiance of being caught in a parallel world of nostalgia. Had a ghostly 1928 lady and gent walked in, we wouldn't have been the least surprised or mind. My jeans felt out of place - like I should have been in a frilly dress with gloves and a hat.
To make things a notch surreal, there was no music at sound to remind us that we were living and breathing the crazy existence of 2013. It felt I had been there before..familiar and so right. The vibe coursed through my every cell, running through my veins, energizing my marrows. The energy was so that I felt lightheaded in happiness. Make that bliss - a type of bliss gift wrapped and packaged just for me. No doubt the Universe knew how dreary I had been feeling and decided to make itself felt by offering a living dream with a the best double Margarita ever!
When I get lonely, or fretful.....whenever I feel drabby or ordinary, all I have to do is go back to this page and recall, once more, that day when the world proved itself a magic friend to me.
Not everybody can be this lucky. I am.