The way I see it, you and I are both vessels of light. I am - You are- light incarnate! We are meant to shimmer and radiate. Whatever religious affiliation, ideology, conviction, race, color or creed, Christmas is for all. It is the rekindling gift of light by the Christ, our Redeemer, offered to every single living thing on earth, be it man, woman, child or creature. Let everything that has life praise the Lord, the Good Book says, for He has come to give us joy, a joy the world cannot give.
The Christ of Christmas I know is the spirit of the loving Nazarene, a beacon of love and light, who without earthly political agenda set out to boldly speak of hope, forgiveness and redemption. His message was one of living on higher ground through the practical application of kindness towards self and neighbors. Such a very simple, plain preaching devoid of religious hysteria it was hard to take then, and hard to take now.
And as we are reminded by the season to live in joy, I am personally filled to the brim with a hope of having my light within rekindled luminescent. A happy me means a happy community of those around me. I want my happiness to flow because I want my joy to touch you. Being happy takes conscious effort. It takes work. It takes loving discipline; a positive focusing of thoughts hinged on faith. Whatever is good, whatever is lovely, whatever is worthy of praise, think only of those things, the Good Book says.
Being happy takes planning, organization and execution. The world created out of chaos was formed into order, so should our lives be. It takes sacrifice at times, a giving up of temporal enticements that appear exciting at the present moment but lead nowhere except to the inner enclaves of spiritual destitution and moral disaster - for if the light in you is darkness, how terribly dark it will be. Happiness takes courage and a dash of bravery too! It takes giving up and letting go. It takes an open heart and an open mind. Happiness is not only being with people, it is at times wrestling with a loneliness so deep, facing whatever need be, then plodding on until the clouds break through and light bursts forth again. Happiness is consciously casting out whatever dark thoughts that assail the spirit during downtrodden days, believing that we are never truly alone. Happiness is the mastery of patience, the generosity of understanding, and the charity of forgiving - everyday.
“You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
~ Matthew 5:14