Can extract sunshine from a cloudy day!

Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness. Carry a vision of heaven in your hearts, and you shall make your name,your college, the world, correspond to that vision. Your success and happiness lie within you. External conditions are the accidents of life, its outer wrappings. The great, enduring realities are love and service. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty. ~ Helen Keller
L❀VE ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ •´¯`•.¸¸.♥Fiat Lux ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥L❀VE ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥ •´¯`•.¸¸.♥Fiat Lux ♥´¯`•.¸¸.• ♥

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today's Latest Loot is a Hoot, haha! :D

Today's Latest Loot!! by Slidely Slideshow

It's the end of the strain, it's the joy in your heart! :D

No, it doesn't take much to drive me ecstatic! It's one of the things I thank God for - an innate ability to be so appreciative of the slightest cute, the little'lest happy, the simplest pretty. This week's loot proves my lot!

 I went about my usual errands, with a side trip to a  second hand bookstore (as usual), and my usual pre-loved store selling everything second hand, mostly Japanese tea cups, plates, platters and saucers, pots and pans, cabinets, clocks, bikes and golly' dee' doo'...just about anything one can think of. The place is a veritable promise of joy in your heart, and needless to say, I'm thrilled with my teacup finds!

Pushing my supermarket trolly, meantime,  (not the usual supermarket I go to, thank goodie!), I chanced upon a section of handicrafts, ribbons, hairpins and such - lo' and behold' there it was - that ultra- fushia supermarket glamour darling of a tote hahaha! I'm a sucker for summery type native bags and  fell ever so tightly totally in love with it! Those beads, those beads yes, did me in! :D

Who doesn't fancy a bit of shopping, eh?!? Going from one boutique to another curiously ogling the latest fascinating fashion is an  indulgence, and so is scouring malls for that perfect pair of pants or some fancy dress. It's fair fun but nothing though', comes close to the puritanical pleasure of unearthing a fabulous bargain find, because you just KNOW what you hold in your hands is a revelation - a bit of collectible - priced for a song - a thrill for close to nothing!

The "Country Tea Parties" book is utterly delightful! Page after page of glossy paint prints, intimate tea descriptions and proper recipes. Here's the Goodreads description. Clicking on Goodreads would  lead you to the link.
From intimate get-togethers to large social events, tea is the perfect excuse for delightful parties of all kinds. Whether you’re looking for traditional menus of teas and delicate accouterments or you want to host a unique party filled with unforgettable personal touches, Country Tea Parties teems with creative, eminently doable ideas to fit any occasion. Fill your house with fragrant rose petals and invite some friends over to cozy up around a fresh warm pot.
 Airs and Graces is fun. The best kind for a before I sleep book read with a cup of chamomile tea at a convenient reach on the side table. I'm halfway through and look forward to reading it every evening. Here's the book description from the Erica James website:
Ellen has been living on her own in a picturesque, if damp cottage in Cheshire since her husband abandoned her to go and live with another woman in Provence. Having married once for love, she is now determined that the second time around it will be for money. Close at hand is Duncan, her not unattractive, and enticingly single, divorce lawyer… 
But then two new people enter her life: Jo-Jo, a homeless girl several months pregnant; and Matthew, an artist who paints murals in country houses and who, on his first meeting with Ellen, openly criticises her for being mercenary and devious. But, as hostility gives way to friendship, Ellen realises that she has wavered off course from her original plan and she has to remind herself very strongly indeed that Duncan is the man for her.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Starting The Week with A Feels for the Marvelous! :D

“Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.” 
~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Good morning! Glorious feeling over here with sweet sunlight and a rush of  the good life. Life should be good, full of yum and fun and satisfaction. Even in the midst of challenges and the everyday hum- drum ov' it all, there ought to be healthy space for calm and recollection. 

  I am ever so grateful for deep brown/black coffee with just a touch of cream and side serving of cookie. There's inspiration and renewal and that palpitating excitement of newness! This week is going to be vavoom' I can tell! O yes, I can tell because I am gong to MAKE IT SO!!! For one, there's a stash of new books to peruse, one particularly I' m currently so in luv' with! It's a fantastic cookbook - quite vintage, and yes, I'm going to blog about it but not just yet. There's a lot of cooking in sight - plus, I'm planning a bit of a fun happening. 

My exercise routine takes full swing, and so does my doodle art and writing. What's important to me right now is how I feel. I intend to feel my optimal best - mentally and physically HEALTHY!  It would take discipline and a lot of loving - and yes, I'm all for that. I won't look around for inspiration - I will be my own inspiration - and my own discipline officer, haha!

This typing here is  quite a rush as there's something that needs to be done at the moment. I'll be back later to chat this space up. Meantime, all is well, all is fab, all is glam! :D

Friday, June 10, 2016


MIDHAVEN by: W.E.D.Rosse

No husband right now!! He is a country away for work. My sons are doing their own thing. O' wait, one has arrived and is now ensconced in the privacy of  his cave.  -- This leaves  me on a Friday evening, technically,  all alone. Yes, I am left to my own devices, and frankly, I'm pleased, haha!

What to do, what to do, hehe! I've got it all planned. I've had a roast chicken dinner, and my warm warm bath is bidding. Incidentally,  I found a KennethMD hypoallergenic bath soap from the hubby's recent trip, all stashed in our soap drawer - smells good  so I'll try it. My face right now is itchy and totally allergy feeling.

I intend to spend the next couple hours before midnight immersed in that book above, O' yes! It is my  find of the century, haha! Dug it from a second hand bookshop I frequent.  Can't describe the thrill I felt when I spied it - all anciently yellowed pages with a 1964 original copyright! I know a good one when I see one. I just love the cover of this! Plus, it's a horror story of just the right sort, nothing bloody, but enough  sinister umph' to keep the pages turning.  Aiks, I hope I don't get nightmares, lols!

Here's the gist of it:


Her mother a suicide, her father dead from an accident in which she was involved, lovely Rita Myles attempts to exorcise the devil within her. It all starts out when she was asked to uncover the mystery of the 'hanging suicides' at a private clinic. -- Somewhere, somehow in the terror filled days that followed, was the answer to her own horror. Posing as a disturbed patient she felt herself inescapably caught up in the madness of the patients, never quite sure she might not become one of them.

If that's not fabulous for a Friday night, I dunno' what is!
Off to reader land...this will be so snuggly.
But first to feed the dog. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Poupées and Better Days! ♥L❀VE ♥´

Roselle Quin - Life today with my sweet dollies'! 
My latest lovely poupees' are coming to life, haha! :D  
Today I gave them wings but hair will have to wait as I've yet to visit a yarn shop. Goodness, I am so excited, lols! I've decided to make about twenty or twenty five sweetie's for the whole month of June, as they truly need a host of friendships around them! My inner realm is super artsy at the moment and  it is fantastically the best place to be!
As for the outer realm agh, there is a fuming world of uncertainty and fear mongering where I am. A whole lot of collective gasping, sighing, dark gossiping, frantic analyzing and major dooms day prophesying on a daily by minute basis. It takes nothing to be swept up in the near mass hysterics  as my country's newly elected president makes it his darn vocal point to furnish the nation an off- with-the-head graphic  forecast of what will become of criminals, sans human rights.  I have my own views about this of course, but would rather keep it to myself - except to say that I believe in better days coming,  

I believe that each individual has the the power to create commanding intentions and positive energy. My focus hinges on that - which is why today I have a veritable smile and a glowing resolve to be a healer of days, as well as, a spirituous creator of beauty. 

Singapore Trip and The Great Shout Out for Inspiration

Roselle Quin's Slidely Gallery by Slidely Photo Gallery

If Slidely folds up I am so - ahem' - screwed. I've been posting slides for months now, and if for any  reason Slidely decides to bid adieu, then, alas, all my dazzling posts will be bereft ( as in VOID) of glamour pictures, haha!  And -- the posts hardly make a dent without the visuals, aiks!

Ah, gad
, here I am once again worrying, worrying, worrying about anything and everything! It's a grand past time of mine lately, the worrying thing. You name, I'l worry about it! I'm not so batty tho, as I still have a third of my innate sense of humor intact - at least I think so.

In fact, I was over at my SWEET SEMANTICS  blog, chatting it up a bit because that site, wow, it's gone stale! The page is all but a dormant volcano left to snooze for 10 centuries! Strangely, writing there  gave me a surge of typing inspiration which  coursed  through my fingers. Here I am therefore, blabbering and calling out to my writing angels and muses for a much needed and desired visitation.

Oh, my dearest writing angels and muses, come to me, as I desperately  want to revive my writing stamina! I want want WANT my blogging(s) to be more alluring, more....magnetizing...more charismatic...more revealing and connecting. I need to resurrect my sense of semantics and my deep passion for stringing words and offering it bravely to the world!  
Now, about my head tensions, they have eased somehow. For this I am wholeheartedly grateful to our dear Lord and all heavenly divine friends. There is a more "normal" feel to my entire being - more specifically the past days.  I believe I'm getting there. There being the feeling of being entirely, completely healthily my old/new self.  I feel saner, lighter, stronger.

My anxiety  attacks brought about by lingering ails' are quiet and pacified. I am happier...happy enough to get back to my artistic endeavors with renewed vigor. Two dolls are in the making. They are ever so sweet, and I am excited to post about them - very soon.